Sunday, November 8, 2009

Nov 8th

Had a fun morning with Running Maniacs and some others. We did a 5k run down at the harbour, then went out for brunch and Bluenose. Actually the 5k was more like 4.5k - I wasn't sorry about that. Really pushed harder than I usually do so it was sure nice to see the finish line. I ran much faster than I thought I could actually so I'm pleased about that and it kind of gives me motivation that if I can do that for 5 then I can do it for 10....and so on. Can't imagine how great it would be to be able to keep that pace, or something close to it for a half marathon.  Guess I can try and find out :)

Tomorrow is a day of presenting my stuff to our CEO who's coming down from the NC so I've been working on that today. Think I've got it so putting is aside now and hope it will all come together (as opposed to falling apart) when I get up there in front of everyone.
I almost thought I should drive in to work since I'll be kind of tense beforehand and want to dress better than I usually do - the alternative would be to drive part way and cycle the rest (which is what I've been doing a few times a week lately). Then I saw the weather forecast - 13 degrees and sunny. No way I'm letting some stupid presentation get in the way of what's looking to be a gorgeous bike ride! Bike is in the car now ready to go :)

I'm thinking about friends, quite a few of them actually, who are having a hard time right now for various reasons. I wish I could help them - but beyond being here - doubt if I can.

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