Thursday, November 5, 2009

Nov 5th

My first blog. What better day to start than Guy Fawkes day. I have no idea why.

I've been wanting to blog for some time now. Not sure what I'll write about but we'll see how it goes. Maybe it will evolve into something worth reading. I doubt it. But I might enjoy writing.

Who am I? Well part of me, a big part, is found outside. Cycling, running, kayaking. My favourite thing to do in the spring/summer/fall is kayak camping. Had some wonderful adventures this year so if I'm still blogging next year I'll write about them here for sure. Cycling is still happening, though kind of in mini form right now. It's getting cold, dark early, so I don't go as far as I would in the summer conditions. But still getting on the bike and cycling to work 2 or 3 times a week.
Running is jogging along :) I'll step that up from now on and am aiming for a half marathon in May so serious training will begin in January.

Ok - I think that's enough for the first day. Gotta go and check out what those settings are.

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